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lördag 1 juni 2013

Movie - The Host

The Host 6/10

The Host is an Sci-Fi/Romantic drama film, if you like Twilight, you will probably like this movie very much, unfortiunatly, I dont like twilight but i think the movie is good anyway, the story was really good, a little to much drama for me (I'm more the Thriller-guy) but it's really a good movie. Even though the fact that I went there to see an Apakolyptic-sci-fi I actually was satisfied with the movie after all. But if you want to see an scifi thriller don't watch this movie, go watch Alien instead. :-)

The story started with an girl running from some weird peoples with white eyes saying "Stay we only want to help you", started good in my opinion, well, the girls fell and survived, but these white guys/girls catched upp with her and "injicated" something in her, it was like worm. Anyway the "worm" were a "host" that controll the human. But the girl's thought were still left in the body so she fights against the "soul (better than worm I realised)" so that the soul dont uses her thought to find out were her friends is. These "souls" have invader their planet and there's some survivors that the girl belonged to before she ended up running from some aliens... It's pretty hard to understand at an start but it'll clear up if you see the movie. I'll give this movie 6/10 beacuse it was a good movie, not just my kind of movie! 

Movie - Taken

Taken 7/10

Taken is an action-thriller with Liam Nelson as the head-role. The movie has a pretty good story, a little basic though, the actors are very good but this movie are a little bit to "basic" in my meaning, even though it's a good story, it isnt realistic in any way. This "destroys" destroys the feeling of a good thriller if you catch my meaning. Even though this it's like I said a great movie, worth to check out!

The story starts with the guy on the picture (Liam Nelson), his daugther wanted to go on vacation with a friend, they wanted to live in an apartment in Paris for a while, and he allowed his daugther to do it, beacuse of the fact that the fiends cousins were there to. But when the daughter arrives with her friend at the appartment, it shows up that they're all alone there, and her friend knew it, when that happened they also got contact with a weird guy, the rest is up for you to see! (I can spoil someone is geting "TAKEN" ;-) )

torsdag 30 maj 2013

Movie - The Godfather

The Godfather - 10/10

The godfather is an amazingly well done thriller that's about the american/sicilian mafia! This movie is based on a book written by Mario Puzo. The story is about the head member in one of the "families" (could be described as factions to) Don Vito Carleone (played by Marlon Brando) is the name of this guy. This "guy" is the leader of his family, the Carleone family. What he basicly do, if you dont count the "ordinary" gangster doing, is that he also takes services, when someone asks him for a service, the "paying" for this service is that  the "someone" owe him a service. 

In the movie you'll follow the familily Carleone, to see how they "Convince" peoples to "make it" the way they want. In the movie, you'll also get an idea of the fine line between fear and respect. This is one of the best movies I've ever seen, so i'll rate it 10/10!

Opening my blog!

Hello everyone!

It's Tech-Armadillo here, i'm a new bloggger right now! I'll be blogging about Games, movies, music and tech! I'll be placing a grade between 1 and 10, I wont place any grade based on other peoples, I'll be placing them based on what I like myself, I do have some different sight on some things so you'll be able to find out and enjoy my bloggs (hopefully!), if you like my blogg it helps to leave a comment! Will make me keep going with my work! If you have any question, or want me to review something, just send a PM or leave a comment :-)